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Digi Health Tech About us

Digi Health Tech is a company dedicated to developing innovative solutions in the field of health tourism. We offer a range of innovative solutions in this area to meet the needs and enhance the experience of health tourists and healthcare facilities. Here are some innovative solutions we are working on and researching:

Second opinion

We provide detailed and clinically relevant specialist second opinions.


We develop software that enables specialists to remotely evaluate patients, diagnose and create treatment plans using advanced communication technologies.

Health Tourism Mobile Applications

We are preparing applications that include features such as searching for doctors and hospitals, making appointments, keeping health records and translation services.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

We have designed RPA to work on topics such as Appointment Scheduling, Patient Data Management, Insurance Verification, Billing, Customer Service and Language Translation in the health tourism industry.


We have established accreditation standards to ensure patient safety and high-quality care. We aim to reassure health tourists that the services they receive meet internationally accepted standards by accredited healthcare providers.

Destination Marketing and Promotion

Our collaborative marketing efforts help raise awareness, attract more healthcare tourists, and position institutions as a preferred choice for medical treatments. We are publishing a magazine for this purpose.